Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One of those days

You ever have one of those days when you wake up and you just know you should stay in bed? Well, today was one of those.

I woke up and thought, "I should email my boss and tell him him I'll work Friday in lieu of today and promptly go back to sleep." But no, I told myself I would rather be off on Friday. I can hold out, be strong, blah-blah-blah.

I'm trying to wash my hair less to make it all healthy, with this dry shampoo stuff it doesn't look half bad. I put it in a ponytail as it is day three and all, and off to work I went after noticing that the Barbie who highlighted my hair missed toning a piece by my ear leaving a blonde streak. Never trust a Barbie.

Everything was going fine until one of Work Guy's friends, standing on the other side of my cube addresses a short dark haired girl who does not work with us. Instantly I knew. It was the new girlfriend. At my work. Here to see my ex, her current boyfriend. She was right in front of me. Now friends with the people I used to be friends with. Probably meeting up to eat at the same sushi place he used to take me....

My whole body froze but I typed diligently at my computer. I would not look around. I would not acknowledge that I realized who she was or who she was here to see. Why? Why did he have to have her come into work? Does she not have a cell phone he could call her on to meet outside?

My stomach was in knots and I was fairly certain my stupid heart was breaking all over again. This is karma biting me in the ass all over again for having been such an awful girlfriend to every guy I ever dated. I was going to vomit.

I texted Ange. My lifeline.

Me: I think I am having a heart attack. Work Guy had his new girlfriend come visit him at work.

Ange: Quit working at that fuckin place and I am going to fuckin strangle him.

I asked the girl sitting next to me to do a recon to make sure they left so I could go to the break room to make my lunch. It would be my luck that the royal douche bag would invite her to eat lunch with him here. She was great too...

"Who? That ugly bitch he brought to the Christmas Party?"

"She isn't ugly!"

"God, you're a nice person. You're always supposed to say they're ugly!"

But it wasn't Work Guy's new girl's fault. It was mine for ever having dated him. I continued to feel like shit through out the day. I emailed Chloe about the new guy I was texting with and mentioned feeling low about something I didn't want to write. She knew already and had hoped I hadn't seen. She agreed with Ange, I need to work elsewhere if I am ever going to heal this gaping hole.

The day gets better!

As I started to calm down I thought some warm tea would help.
I managed to spill an entire cup of tea into my lap, down the back side of my leg, through my boots and all over my desk. In front of regional managers. And just in case they might not have noticed, I yelled out "Shit!" as well. One rushed to get paper towels to sop up my desk, but ignored the fact I needed more to clean myself. I sat there soaking for 30 minutes, afraid to move.

Chloe finally came over to walk behind me to the bathroom so people wouldn't notice my wet pants. She told me it wasn't noticeable, but my jeans and boots worked wonders for my ass. Such good friends today.

What is wrong with me! Seriously. When you get the feeling you should not go to work, stay in bed. If you don't heed this warning it will only lead to a beer drinking pity-party in lieu of yoga later.

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